What’s on

Upcoming events

Details of upcoming events and the next Australian Social Policy Conference coming soon!

2025 Social Policy Association (UK) and East Asian Social Policy Research Network joint annual conference

Hosted by the University of York (England), the conference theme is “Go your own way? Social Policy in an era of fracturing solidarities”. The organisers welcome presentations and symposia that engage with the diversification and evolution of social policy and service delivery in this challenging climate.

For full information including accommodation, fees, and abstract submission, please visit their conference webpage here

Past events

2025 Australian Social Policy HDR Conference

The inaugural Australian Social Policy Higher Degree by Research (ASP-HDR) conference was hosted by the Australian Social Policy Association and held at the Australian National University in Canberra in February 2025.

The purpose of the conference was to spark interdisciplinary conversations between scholars and provide an opportunity to connect with other HDR candidates. As a HDR-focussed conference, it provided a professional development opportunity for early career researchers to present in a supportive environment.

Attendees of the 2025 ASPA conference

View Conference Program (PDF)
View the Paper Abstracts (PDF)

2023 Australian Social Policy Conference: Social Policy for Social Change

The 2023 Australian Social Policy Conference (ASPC) was hosted by the Australian Social Policy Association and held 11-13 September at the Australian National University in Canberra. The theme for ASPC 2023 was ‘Social Policy for Social Change’.

The Australian Social Policy Conference addresses the most pressing challenges facing Australian policy makers, practitioners and researchers. It provides a forum for leading national and international researchers and analysts from government and community social welfare sectors in Australia and internationally to present their research findings and debate their implications.

View of Canberra

View the 2023 Conference Program

Prior to 2023, the Australian Social Policy Conference was hosted every two years by the UNSW Social Policy Research Centre. For details of past conference programs and abstracts, please visit https://www.unsw.edu.au/research/sprc/about/australian-social-policy-conference